What is keys() method in dictionary | How to use the keys() method of the dictionary.

Definition: Similar to the items() method, this method also returns a view object, this time the view object contains the keys of the…

What is get() method in dictionary | How to use the get() method of a dictionary.

Definition: This method is used to get some values from a dictionary by it’s key, meaning we type the key inside get() method…

What is fromkeys() method in dictionary | How to use the fromkeys() method of a dictionary.

Definition: This method is used to return a dictionary with specified keys and specified values. Keys can be stored in the form of…

What is clear() method in dictionary | How to use the clear() method of a dictionary.

Definition: This method of dictionary is used to remove all the elements and returns an empty dictionary. Also note that this method does…

What is a Copy() method in Dictionary | How to use the copy() method of a dictionary.

Definition: This method of dictionary simply copies the entire dictionary into another variable, also the original dictionary remains unchanged. Syntax: Variable = Dictionary.copy()…

What is Abstraction in Python with an Example?

First thing first, we know before reading this article you might have gone through other articles as well and it may have been…

What is Dictionary in Python and Methods of Dictionary in Python?

Dictionary is one of the four built in collection data type, used to store multiple or different types of data under single variable.…

What is encapsulation in python with an example? Everything in detailed.

Definition: Encapsulation is a way of writing code where we restrict access to methods and variables in such a way that it cannot…

How to remove word from string in python | Remove word from string?

In this article, we mentioned how to remove word from string in python, but if you want to know how to remove char…

How to remove character from string in python | Remove char from string.

To work with strings, you must be familiar with the string its method, and how it works, also you need a sound knowledge…