What is intersection method in sets | How to use intersection method of sets.

Definition: This method is used to return a set which has common items in them, if there are no common items it returns…

What is discard method in sets | How to use discard method of sets.

Definition: This method is used to remove the particular item from the set, by taking that item as argument. Since the item is…

What is set in python? And how do we use it?

Set is one of a built-in collection data types in python, the other three are List, Tuple and Dictionary. Set is used to…

What is the difference_update method in sets in python | How to use the difference_update method of sets?

Definition: This method is used to remove common items from set A, given that A.difference_update(B). All changes are done in the original set…
What is the difference method in sets How to use difference method of sets

What is difference method in sets | How to use difference method of sets?

Definition: This method is used to return another set which is in A and not in B, meaning, A – B is applied…
What is copy method in sets

What is copy method in sets in python | How to use copy method of sets?

Definition: This method in set is simply used to copy the entire set into another variable. Also, the original set remains unchanged. Syntax:…
What is clear method in sets in python

What is a clear method in sets in python | How to use a clear method of sets in python?

Definition: This method of a set is used to remove all the elements of the set and returns an empty set. Also, note…
What is add method in sets

What is add method in sets | How to use add method of sets.

Definition: This method is used to add an element inside a set at any random location, also if the element is already present…
Reverse words in a given String in Python

How to reverse an order of words using python?

In this article, we will see how to reverse an order of words using a python programming language. For example, if a given…
what is tuple unpacking

What is tuple packing in python? | What is tuple unpacking in python?

What is tuple packing? A tuple is one of 4 built-in collection data types and the other three are list, set, dictionary. We…