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abstract in python Abstraction in python And how do we use it? Dictionary in python Encapsulation in python Encapsulation with example How do we achieve encapsulation? How to do encapsulation in python How to remove character from string in python How to remove word from string in python How to use discard method of sets. How to use intersection method of sets How to use issubset method of sets How to use issuperset() method of sets how to use method of sets how to use method of sets in python How to use pop method of sets How to use symmetric_difference() method of sets How to use symmetric_difference_update() method of sets How to use the difference_update method of sets? how to use the remove() method of sets How to use union() method of sets How to use update() method of sets Methods of dictionary in python Python Dictionary Python Encapsulation Remove char from string Remove word from string what is abstraction in python What is discard method in sets What is intersection method in sets What is issuperset() method in sets what is method in sets what is method in sets in python What is methods of dictionary in python What is pop method in sets what is remove() method in sets What is set in python? What is symmetric_difference() method in sets What is symmetric_difference_update() method in sets What is the difference_update method in sets What is the difference_update method in sets in python What is union() method in sets What is update() method in sets Why do we use encapsulation?